Rev. Dr. Tracey L. Ulshafer is a licensed massage therapist, Reiki Master, World Traveler, Healer, Light Worker, Channeler and Starseed. In her work you can expect a wide range of modalities and energy work in a Quantum Healing Session. From Reiki or "light touch" to gentle rocking techniques, Thai Bodywork and various forms of energy clearing, you will receive both hands on and hands off healing modalities. You can also expect Star or Light langugage and/or various other channeled Ascended Master guidenace.
No session can be guaranteed a particular outcome, but each is always unique and beautifully perfect for the individual.
You will be contacted by email to schedule your personal healing session. If you do not hear from us within 72 hours, email, referenccing your sale.
Quantum Healing Session
Once your session is booked, should you need to cancel you must do so with 24 hour notice or you are reponsible for paying for your session.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to fill out any paperwork, use bathroom and be prepared for session.
Wear comfortable clothing, nothing too restrictive of movement for proper relaxation. Remove any jewelry and turn off all electronic devises. Please do not wear any apple watches or other digital devises on your person for the session.
Do no eat for at least 1 hour prior to your session, preferrably 2.
There are no guarantees on channeled work. Please come open to receive the highest light energy for your healing.